A number of significant measures in the field of culture and education were held at the times of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic.
According to the resolution of the ADR Government dated June 30, 1918, office of the Ministry of Public Education was established in Ganja and provided with staff.
According to the resolution of the Government dated June 27, 1918, the Turkish language was declared the state language. The first significant step taken in the field of education was nationalization of schools. Resolution of the Azerbaijani Government dated August 28, 1918, said that education in all primary education institutions must be provided in the mother tongue of pupils and the teaching of the native tongue as a state language must be compulsory.
The biggest challenge in nationalization of education was shortage of teaching staff. Short term pedagogical courses were established in Ganja, Shaki and Zagatala in 1918 and 150 people were involved in those courses in order to meet the needs in teachers. The Government of Azerbaijan adopted a resolution on relocation of Teachers’ Seminary in Gori on June 22, 1918.
ADR Government set up a special commission with a view to compilation and publication of schoolbooks in the Ministry of Education. The textbooks “Turkish alphabet”, “New scientific calculation”, “The second year”, “New school”, “Literature lessons”, “Reading-book”, “Turkish garland”, “History” and “Basic algebra” were published. By the decree of September 18, 1919, Azerbaijani Parliament allocated one million manats to the Ministry of Public Education for the purchase of new books in Turkish language.
As a result of the arrangements made by the Government of Azerbaijan there were 637 primary schools and 23 secondary schools in the early 1919. There were 6 male and 4 female classical schools, 5 schools of natural sciences, 3 teachers’ seminaries (Baku, Ganja and Gazakh), 3 Saint Nina girls’ educational institutions (Baku, Ganja and Shaki), polytechnic and commercial schools. Teachers’ seminaries in Baku, Ganja and Gazakh, Saint Nina girls’ schools in Baku, Ganja and Shaki, also polytechnic and commercial schools operated in Baku.
In September 1919, male and female classical schools began their activity in Lankaran.
On September 11, 1919, by the decision of the Azerbaijani Government "Saint Nina" schools were renamed the first Baku national girls’ classical school, Ganja girls’ classical school and Shaki girls’ classical school. In 1919, the Ministry of Education introduced a bill to the Parliament on the opening of schools of natural sciences and teacher training schools in Baku, Shaki, Shusha, and Goychay, and the bill was passed.
In the summer of 1919, the Azerbaijani Government opened short term pedagogical courses for men and women in Baku, Ganja and Shaki, for men in Shusha, Gazakh, Gusar, Salyan and Zagatala in order to expand and deepen the education system in the country.
On July 23, 1918, by the decision of the ADR Government 50 teachers were invited from Turkey. They started their teaching activity in Azerbaijan in the early October, 1919.
The Ministry of Public Education established a commission for writing and publishing the textbooks in the Azerbaijani language. Textbooks and educational supplies were purchased from Turkey. One of the most important tasks of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic was the organization of higher education in Azerbaijan and training of highly qualified national personnel. Baku State University was founded by the Parliament of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic on September 1, 1919. Outstanding scientists were invited in order to provide professors and teaching staff for the university. One million manats were allocated for purchase of equipment and books.
By the decision of the Parliament 100 University entrants were sent to Germany, Italy, France and Turkey to study overseas. It was decided to send several students to Russian educational institutions as well. However, that plan was thwarted by the foreign military intervention and ongoing civil war.

List of students sent to foreign countries for higher education during
Azerbaijan Democratic Republic
From where |
Surname, name, patronymic |
Sent to |
Baku |
1. Axundov Ejderbey İsgenderbey oglu |
France |
2. Aslanov Teymurbey Zekeriyyebey oglu |
France |
3. Jabbarov Elekber Kerbalayi Memmedeli oglu |
France |
4. Jeferov Eliyusif Meshedi Abutalib oglu |
Turkey |
5. Dadashov Agaebdulhuseyn Elesger oglu |
Germany |
6. Emirjanov Eliyarbey |
Russia |
7. Eshrefov İsrafil İsmayil oglu |
France |
8. Hesenov Elimukhtar Yagub oglu |
Turkey |
9. Kazimov Jefer Kerbalayi Elesger oglu |
Germany |
10. Mirgasimov Zeynalabdin Mirelesger oglu |
France |
11. Mustafayev Agajefer Kerbalayi Ebdulyehya oglu |
Germany |
12. Rehimov Jebrayil Memmedrza oglu |
France |
13. Rizayev İskender Jabbarkhan oglu |
France |
14. Selimov Huseyngulu Yusif Kerbalayi oglu |
Russia |
15. Yuzbashinski İsmayil Gafur oglu |
Russia |
16. Mustafayev Agahesen Manaf oglu |
Germany |
17. Dagirov Zaurbey Yusifbey oglu |
France |
18. Aliyev Zeynalabdinbey Haji Agabey oglu |
Italy |
19. Memmedov Hemid Memmed oglu |
Germany |
20. Veliyev İsgender Mahmud oglu |
Italy |
Baku villages |
21. Memmed Henefi Zeynalli (Mardakan) |
Turkey |
22. Pirverdiyev Henife Haji Mahmud oglu (Sabunchu) |
Germany |
23. Sadıgov Mirsadig Kerbalayi Seyid Kamil oglu (Mashtaga) |
Germany |
24. Guliyev Mirze Huseyn Kerbalayi Henife oglu (Bulbule) |
Germany |
25. Kerimov Eli Meshedi Khasbulad oglu (Balakhani) |
Turkey |
26. Agayev Balaga Memmedhenife oglu (Fatmayi) |
France |
Ganja |
27. Abdullayev Agali Meshedi Resul oglu |
Italy |
28. Agasibeyov Yusif Suleymanbey oglu |
Germany |
29. Bagirli Abdulla Sadig oglu |
Kiev |
30. Bosnalizade Memmedrashid Mustafa oglu |
France |
31. Hajizade Mirze Meshedi Yusif oglu |
Germany |
32. Rehimzade Abdulla Memmed oglu |
Germany |
33. Ebdurrehmanov Agajefer Meshedi Sefter oglu |
Germany |
34. Memmedov Zal Meshedi Javad oglu |
Germany |
35. Nagiyev Huseyn Hadji Musa oglu |
Italy |
Shusha |
36. Javanshir Ebdulhemid Hemid oglu |
France |
37. Aliyev Alekber Gehreman oglu |
Germany |
38. Aliyev Eshref Agali oglu |
Germany |
39. Emirov Umbay |
Odessa |
40. Hajiyev Bayram İbrahim oglu |
France |
41. Hajiyev Memmedbey Kerimbey oglu |
Germany |
42. Hajizade Mirze Meshedi Yusif oglu |
Germany |
43. Hajiyev Khasbulat İsmayil oglu |
Russia |
44. Muradov Abbas Hemid oglu |
France |
45. Musayev Jamil İbrahim oglu |
Germany |
46. Muradov Memmedbey Ferhad oglu |
France |
47. Munsuzade Hilal Mirzehuseyn oglu |
Germany |
48. Nerimanbeyov Yanubbey Emirbey oglu |
France |
49. Salahov Yusif Meshedi Huseyn oglu |
Germany |
50. Seferov Mehish Meshedi Haji oglu |
Germany |
51. Vezirov Aslanbey Zeynalabdin oglu |
France |
52. Yusifzade Agali Jelal oglu |
France |
53. Zeynalov Behbudeli Meshedi Hemid oglu |
Germany |
54. Gedimov Letif Shirin oglu |
Germany |
Shamakhi |
55. Akhundov İsmayil Ebdulkhalig oglu |
Germany |
56. Aliyev Abbasmirze Ahmed oglu |
Germany |
57. İskenderov Agalar Meshedi Abbasgulu oglu |
Germany |
58. Seyideliyev Mirmemmedrza Mir Abutalib oglu |
Germany |
59. Memmedov Agababa Kerbalayi Alesger oglu |
Kharkov |
60. Khudaverdiyev Alibala Hajı Murtuza oglu |
Germany |
Salyan |
61. Huseynov Alihuseyn Agahuseyn oglu |
Germany |
62. Huseynbeyov Zeynalabdinbey Adilbey oglu |
France |
63. Huseynzade Behrambey İsmayilbey oglu |
Germany |
Lenkaran |
64. Rzayev Nusret Rza oglu |
Germany |
65. Seidzade Mirismayil Haji Seyid Ahmed oglu |
Germany |
Guba |
66. Hajizade Semender Akhund Zeki oglu |
Germany |
67. Memmedov Huseynbala Jefergulu oglu |
Italy |
Khachmaz |
68. Hasanov Rzagulu İsmayil oglu |
Germany |
Ismayilli |
69. Memmedov Alibey Khelilbey oglu |
Turkey |
Sheki |
70. Nebiyev Mahmud |
Russia |
Aghdam |
71. Aliyev Firudin Azim oglu |
Germany |
Terter |
72. Zeynalov Behbudeli Meshedi Hemid oglu |
Germany |
Fuzuli |
73. Alimuradbeyov Jumshudbey Alimurad oglu |
France |
Shamkir |
74. Garajemilli Mejidbey Gasimbey oglu |
Russia |
Oguz |
75. Tahirzade Abdulla Mahmud oglu |
Turkey |
Ujar |
76. Sedi Haji Hasan oglu |
Turkey |
Gazakh |
77. Huseyn Gasim Mustafa oglu Shikhiyev |
Germany |
78. Mustafayev Mustafa Molla Haji Rehim oglu |
France |
Zangezur |
79. Sultanov Baxishalibey Rustembey oglu |
Germany |
80. Shahsuvarov Mursel Adilkhan oglu |
Germany |
81. Shahsuvarov Surkhay Azim oglu |
Germany |
Yerevan |
82. Agabababeyov-Muganlinski Asildarbey Abbasalibey oglu |
Germany |
83. Agabababeyov-Muganlinski Adilbey Abbasalibey oglu |
Germany |
84. Efendiyev Memmedamin |
Germany |
85. Rejebov Ahmed Meshedi Jabbar oglu |
Germany |
86. Rizayev Tagi Kerbalayi Asger oglu |
France |
Tbilisi |
87. Atamalibeyov Abbasbey Seyfullabey oglu |
France |
88. Dursunzade Memmed Zeki |
Turkey |
89. Memmedov Gahraman İsrafil oglu |
Germany |
90. Mukharski Suleyman Bekir oglu |
France |
91. Agarehimov Mehemmed Pashasadig oglu |
Germany |
92. Topchubashov Reshidbey Alimerdanbey oglu |
Germany |
93. Vekilov Mustafa Memmedaga oglu |
France |
94. Huseynzade Salman Huseyn oglu |
Germany |
Dagestan |
95. Abdinov Behram Elovset oglu |
Germany |
96. Efendiyev Abdulla Molla İbrahim oglu |
Germany |
97. Khrimanov Zekeriyye Abdulreshid oglu |
Germany |
98. Teymurkhanov Muradbey Zabir oglu |
Germany |
99. Shahnazarov Ahmed Haji oglu |
France |
Tashkent |
100. Umudov Mirze Mansur Hakim oglu |
France |
Note: This list was compiled according to the book "Hundred students, hundred fates" by Teyyub Gurban. (Baku: Shur, 2018, p.40-47)